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Polar Bear English Academy Inc.
English from England, and imported to Canada with NO ACCENT.
This is the real deal!
Have fun, while learning with high proficiency to communicate: at school, on the street, at a store, in a workplace, at the airport or train station, or during a business conference.
Using proven learner-psychology and project-based learning, we practice WITH you to prepare you for real-life every day scenarios.
You have a unique background and your own desires for excellent English skills. We use FLEXICULUM where you can plan your own learning path to include those things that matter most to you, right now.
With our system, you will have a curriculum made flexible to suit YOUR personal needs. This increases relevancy, and retention. You can start speaking and job hunting quickly, with our program.

to Canada
An educated foreign national (that’s you) makes the best client!
Thousands of people have joined us this year and they are already in Canada!
If you have a degree or diploma, intermediate English, some settlement funds, good health, good character and some ambition, you’re ready and we are on your side, to help you resettle in an amazing country.
We accept the best. Do you have what it takes?
Can we help you avoid the traps?
Free guidance on how to immigrate to Canada via our blog posts, and news releases.
Guidance for specific cases is available with Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants.
Leave your e-mail and we will contact you shortly:

Rod Chalmers
Rod Chalmers was born in Toronto and has travelled across Canada as well as internationally, many times. He has a wide range of knowledge thanks to a background in psychology and from many unique and interesting experiences. His humour, genuineness and empathy have reached students in Brasil, Colombia, Mexico, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Panama, the Republic of El Salvador and the Dominican Republic. He is known for his candid and affable nature, and on his days off, you’ll find him by the ocean, riding his bike and looking at boats.